Lifes Big Secrets

The Major Arcana are the 22 core cards in a tarot deck that represent life's profound turns and revelations.

These cards depict the major stages we encounter on the soul's journey through the mysteries of existence.

Unlike the Minor Arcana, the Major Arcana do not deal with the day-to-day.

Rather, they point to the greater cycles, archetypes, and lessons that give deeper purpose to our lives.

The Majors cover the full spectrum of human experience – from birth, to death, morality, spirituality, and transcendence.

Card Meanings


The Major Arcana are like a mirror showing us the best we can be. When we listen to their messages, they reveal our hidden potential.

The Majors empower us to align with higher purposes and principles. They chart a path to becoming our most enlightened, actualized selves.

By contemplating these cards, we gain courage to grow, heal, love boldly and live authentically.

At their core, these cards are guiding lights urging us forward in the process of self-realization.

They remind us of the bigger picture, and to keep pushing forward.


The Major Arcana aren't always rainbows and butterflies. At times, they reveal the not-so-fun parts of life's journey.

Some of these cards can enable dodging responsibility, being overly obsessive, or getting stuck on a high-horse.

They may speak to our tendencies to over-romanticize, avoid growing up, or inflate expectations..

The Majors' mystical look isn't a free pass to check out from real life or act superior to others. Their deeper meanings get warped whenever we use them for ego trips.

At the end of the day, these cards keep it real. They reveal how easily our quest for meaning can go off track if we lose humility.
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