10 - Wheel Of Fortune

10 – Wheel Of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune, numbered X in the Major Arcana, represents the natural cycles of change, reversals of fate, and the uncertain nature of destiny. The card reminds us that both good and bad times are transient.

Card Imagery

The Wheel of Fortune depicts a giant wheel, its upward side showing an animal-headed sphinx, its downward side a snake. The sphinx represents life ascending; the snake, descending into the unconscious realms. The wheel is flanked by an angel and a sphinx, indicating the role of divine and earthly powers in spinning fate. Some versions show the letters T-A-R-O on the wheel, signifying it’s greater cycles of Destiny.

Upright Meanings

  • Cycles of change, ups and downs
  • The nature of luck and karma
  • Taking advantage of opportunities
  • Going with the flow, adaptability
  • Feeling trapped in misfortune (reversed)

Upright, the Wheel of Fortune encourages flowing with life’s uncertainties, adapting to changing cycles, and capitalizing on periods of good luck.

Reversed Meanings

  • Resisting necessary change
  • Bad luck, misfortune, lack of control
  • Life feeling meaningless
  • Longing for the past, fear of the future
  • Feeling trapped or paralyzed

When reversed, the Wheel represents misfortune and inability to move freely with life’s shifting cycles. We suffer by resisting change and feel trapped by external forces.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

When the Wheel appears upright, it signals welcoming change and unpredictability rather than futilely fighting natural cycles. Adapt flexibly. Ride waves skillfully. Capitalize on upturns without attachment when life flows favorably.

However, reversed signifies clinging to control instead of surrendering to life’s ups and downs. Resistance exacerbates suffering. Accept impermanence. Find meaning in all circumstances. Flowing eases passage.

Spiritual Guidance

Upright, the Wheel reflects how shifting fortune and paradox teach powerful spiritual lessons. By neither rejecting pain nor grasping joy, we transcend identification with each state. Allow experiences to deepen surrender and faith.

Reversed cautions spiritual blind spots keep us stuck repeating lessons. Withdraw projections about “good” and “bad.” Embrace all-of-life nonjudgmentally to realign with divine flow.

Career and Finances

Professionally, the upright Wheel reveals work’s naturally changing cycles. Capitalize on upswings, but budget for slower periods. Success fluctuates. Allow career’s transformations.

Reversed signifies work stagnation from resisting necessary reinvention or poor rhythm balancing activity and rest. Realign with career’s living flow.

Financially, accept wealth’s ebb and flow. Adjust spending accordingly. Don’t grasp tightly or neglect savings.


Upright, the Wheel reflects how intimacy naturally deepens and regresses through phases. Allow relationships impermanence. Nurture bonds when flowing; grant space when receding.

Reversed, clinging to one relationship phase causes suffering. Don’t force or resist natural changes in relating. Communicate through ups and downs.


Reflect on these questions inspired by the Wheel of Fortune:

  • How can I realign my expectations to welcome life’s ups and downs?
  • Where am I resisting necessary change or clinging to control?
  • What lessons hide within each experience when I broaden perspective?
  • How can I benefit during fortunate phases without attaching?
  • What spiritual insights arise by embracing uncertainty?

The Wheel turns to reveal life’s ever-changing impermanent nature. Flow with trust.

Expanded Reversed Meaning

The reversed Wheel of Fortune often arises when we become attached to life flowing a certain way and then resist its natural evolutions. Attempting to grip tightly to a narrow identity or circumstance throws us out of sync with life’s dynamic unfolding. Reversed from resisting change, the Wheel then feels like a malevolent force exposing us to misfortune against our will.

To realign, you must release rigid expectations about how your destiny should look. Open to mystery and paradox. Seek meaning everywhere, not just peaks. By softening into trust and surrender, you rediscover equanimity amid the ups and downs, feeling life’s loving unfolding. From this centered place, you can adapt smoothly, capitalize wisely during upcycles, and most importantly, appreciate the fullness each moment offers. Thereby the Wheel’s revolutions bring freedom, not distress.

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