Wands - The suit of inspired action

Just like actual wands, this suit conjures up energy, creativity, and inspiration. The suit of wands crackles with the spark of passion.

Wands cards point to pursuing adventures, charting new beginnings, and going after goals with an inspired spirit.

Like a magician waving a wand, this suit encourages boldly bringing dreams and ideas to life with confidence and bravery.

The suit of wands stirs one to action and lights a fire to get moving on passions.

Card Meanings


At its best, the suit of wands represents the primal human energy of inspiration, courage, and unbridled creativity.

The passionate nature of wands motivates action, enterprise, and new beginnings.

Those aligned with wands are driven to manifest their bold visions and leverage their imagination to transform dreams into reality.

When upright, the suit of wands brings self-confidence, fearlessness, and ambition to take risks and manifest goals.

This suit ignites the spark within us to believe in ourselves and pursue our passions wholeheartedly.


The fiery essence of wands can also burn out of control. Excessive passion borders on impulsiveness and recklessness without direction.

When reversed, wands represent volatility, anger, lack of follow-through, and chaotic wasted energy.

While wands at their best harness inspiration with courage, at their worst they spiral into egotism and domination at the expense of others.

Uncontrolled fire eventually consumes itself and dies out. The true power of wands comes from channeling their flames with purpose and self-awareness.
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