Five Of Wands

Five Of Wands

The Five of Wands is a card in the Minor Arcana of a tarot deck. It is the fifth card in the suit of Wands and symbolizes conflict, competition, and disagreement. The Five of Wands exemplifies the stage of tension and discord that can precede resolution and growth. It encourages us to confront our conflicts, engage in healthy competition and use disagreements as opportunities for growth.


The Five of Wands depicts five individuals each holding a wand, seemingly in a state of chaos and conflict. They appear to be competing against one another, each trying to gain an upper hand.

The five individuals grappling with their wands represent conflict, competition, and struggle. The chaotic scene suggests a lack of harmony and coordination. The overall tone of the card is one of tension and discord.

Upright Meanings

  • Conflict
  • Competition
  • Disagreement
  • Struggle
  • Tension

In the upright position, the Five of Wands represents a situation of conflict, competition, or disagreement. It signifies a period of tension and struggle that requires resilience and strategy. This card calls on us to confront our conflicts, engage in healthy competition, and see disagreements as opportunities for growth and clarity.

Reversed Meanings

  • Avoidance of conflict
  • Fear of competition
  • Resolution of disagreements
  • Retreat
  • Harmony after struggle

When the Five of Wands appears reversed, it can indicate avoidance of conflict, fear of competition, or resolution of disagreements. While the upright Five of Wands suggests tension and struggle, the reversed card can signify retreat or the restoration of harmony after a period of struggle. The reversed Five of Wands asks us to face our fears, resolve our conflicts, and grow from our experiences.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Five of Wands in relation to your life journey signifies a period marked by conflict, struggle, and competition. This is not necessarily negative, as it is within these periods of tension that our true character is tested and forged. Just like how a piece of metal is strengthened by the fire and the hammer, our personalities and characters are strengthened by the trials we face.

These conflicts can take many forms. They could be internal struggles within ourselves as we seek to understand who we are and what we want from life. They could also be external conflicts with others as we navigate relationships, careers, and the various roles we play in society. This card calls us to face these conflicts head-on, with courage and resilience.

Spiritual Guidance

When viewed from a spiritual perspective, the Five of Wands encourages introspection and confrontation of one’s inner conflicts or spiritual struggles. This could be a conflict between the values you were brought up with and the beliefs you now hold. It could also be a struggle to reconcile your spiritual beliefs with the realities of the physical world.

Engaging in this inner spiritual conflict is not a sign of weakness but an indication of growth. It is through questioning and challenging our beliefs that we arrive at a deeper understanding of our spiritual selves. The Five of Wands calls you to embrace these spiritual struggles as opportunities for growth and enlightenment.

Career Meaning

In terms of career, the Five of Wands indicates a challenging period marked by competition, conflicts, or disagreements at the workplace. These challenges could be a result of office politics, team conflicts, or competition for promotions and recognition.

While these challenges can be stressful, the card encourages you to view them as opportunities for growth. It’s during these times that you can demonstrate your problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership abilities. The Five of Wands encourages you to approach these conflicts with a positive mindset and see them as stepping stones towards your professional development.


In the context of relationships, the Five of Wands can signify a period of disagreements, conflicts, or tension. This could be due to differing opinions, personal conflicts, or even external pressures impacting the relationship.

However, this card encourages you to view these conflicts as opportunities for growth within the relationship. Disagreements and conflicts, when managed constructively, can lead to deeper understanding, improved communication, and stronger bonds. The Five of Wands encourages open and honest communication to resolve these issues and further strengthen the relationship.


  • Are there any conflicts or disagreements in your life that you need to address?
  • How do you usually respond to competition? Is there room for growth in your response?
  • Are there any conflicts or disagreements that you are currently avoiding? How might you face them?
  • How can you turn disagreements into constructive conversations that lead to growth and understanding?
  • What lessons are your current struggles trying to teach you?

Reversed Meanings

  • Avoidance of conflict
  • Fear of competition
  • Resolution of disagreements
  • Retreat
  • Harmony after struggle

When the Five of Wands appears reversed, it suggests that you might be avoiding necessary conflict or shying away from healthy competition. It could also indicate that a period of disagreement or tension is resolving, leading to a time of peace and harmony.

The reversed Five of Wands encourages you to face any fears of conflict or competition and to view these as opportunities for growth. It serves as a reminder that it’s often through facing our conflicts and overcoming our fears that we grow the most. The card encourages you to strive for resolution and harmony, reminding you that every struggle, every conflict, and every disagreement brings with it a valuable opportunity for personal growth and understanding.

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