Swords - The suit of logic

The sword is an ancient symbol of the powers of the mind, intellect, and communication.

Just as a sword cuts through the air, the swords cuts through thoughts, uncovering facts, and sharpening one's thinking with logic and reason.

In tarot, the suit of swords represents the realm of clear thinking, rationality, and decisive action.

This suit focuses on uncovering the truth through logic, reason, and analysis. Just as a sword cuts swiftly through confusion, so do the cards in the suit of swords help cut through ambiguities to arrive at meaningful insights.

Card Meanings


At its best, the suit of swords represents the peak of human intellect and reason.

The curious and logical nature of swords helps cut through deceit and ambiguity to uncover truth.

Swords use focus, strategy, and mental discipline to structure knowledge and find solutions to life's problems.

Those aligned with swords are fair, moral, and driven to organize information into meaningful insights.

When upright, the suit of swords brings clarity, discernment, and enlightenment to the world through communication and analysis.


The double-edged nature of swords often cuts both ways. Overanalysis leads to mental traps, harsh truths manifest as cruelty, and excessive criticism wounds rather than enlightens.

When reversed, swords represent using words to control rather than empower.

While swords at their best discern truth with compassion, at their worst they wield words as weapons rather than tools of insight.

The suit's brilliance can also lead to high-mindedness when not tempered with empathy and humility.
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