Ten Of Swords

Ten Of Swords

The Ten of Swords is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 10 in the suit of Swords, considered to be a card of endings and new beginnings. The Ten of Swords exemplifies finality, betrayal, and release. It encourages us to accept the end of a phase and welcome the dawn of a new one.


The Ten of Swords depicts a man lying face down with ten swords plunged into his back, under a dark sky. The swords represent a painful end, while the dark sky symbolizes despair. Despite the gloomy atmosphere, the horizon shows the beginning of a new day, symbolizing hope and rebirth. The tone of the card is somber yet hopeful.

Upright Meanings

  • End of a difficult situation
  • Betrayal or backstabbing
  • Feeling defeated
  • Release and acceptance
  • New beginnings after a loss

In the upright position, the Ten of Swords represents the finality of a difficult situation, often brought about by betrayal or loss. This card calls on us to accept these endings and release any resentment or fear associated with them. The Ten of Swords encourages us to embrace the dawn of a new phase, reminding us that every ending signifies a new beginning.

Reversed Meanings

  • Recovering from a loss
  • Fear of ruin
  • Unwillingness to accept the end
  • Prolonged suffering
  • Victim mentality

When the Ten of Swords appears reversed, it serves as a warning against the fear of ruin and the unwillingness to accept endings. While the Ten of Swords upright indicates the acceptance of an ending, the reversal cautions against prolonging suffering by holding on. The reversed Ten of Swords asks us to let go and heal, reminding us that recovery is possible.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Ten of Swords signifies a point in your life journey where you must face the reality of an ending. It may represent a painful betrayal or the harsh end of a situation. However, this card also carries the promise of a new beginning. It’s an invitation to accept the past, learn from it, and embrace the future. As painful as the current situation may be, remember that it’s only a chapter in your life, not the whole book.

Spiritual Guidance

In a spiritual context, the Ten of Swords calls for a release from old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. It can be a painful process, akin to a spiritual death, but it is necessary for your growth. The dawn breaking on the horizon serves as a reminder that endings are often necessary for new beginnings. Embrace this period of transformation and welcome the spiritual rebirth it brings.

Career Meaning

In career readings, the Ten of Swords can indicate the end of a job or a project. It may be a forced ending, such as a layoff or a business failure. But, this card encourages you to accept this ending and view it as an opportunity for a fresh start. A new job or career path may await you, one that is more aligned with your personal goals and values.


The Ten of Swords in a relationship reading can signify the end of a relationship or a painful betrayal. It can be a hard card to see, as it often represents deep emotional pain. However, this card is also about hope and new beginnings. It encourages you to heal, learn from the experience, and open your heart to the possibility of new love.


The Ten of Swords asks you to reflect on your ability to accept endings and embrace new beginnings. Consider these introspective questions:

  • How do I handle endings in my life?
  • What can I learn from past betrayals or losses?
  • How can I release old patterns that no longer serve me?
  • Am I ready to embrace a new beginning?
  • How can I heal and move forward?

Reversed Meanings

  • Fear of change
  • Avoidance of closure
  • Resistance to release
  • Victim mentality
  • Difficulty healing

The reversed Ten of Swords indicates a struggle to accept the end of a situation. It suggests that you may be holding onto something that is already over, thereby prolonging your suffering. This resistance to change can lead to a victim mentality, where you feel that the world is against you.

When the Ten of Swords is reversed in a reading, it’s a clear sign that you’re struggling to let go of something from your past. It’s a call to release old wounds, forgive, and start the healing process. The pain you’re experiencing is real, but it’s also temporary. The sun will rise again, bringing new opportunities and a fresh start. Remember that every ending heralds a new beginning. It’s okay to grieve for what you’ve lost, but don’t let it stop you from embracing what’s yet to come.

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