Six Of Swords

Six Of Swords

The Six of Swords is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 6 in the suite of Swords, considered a beacon of transition and mental healing. The Six of Swords exemplifies journey, transition, and moving on from hardships. It encourages us to embrace change and move towards a more promising future.


The Six of Swords depicts a woman and a child being rowed across a body of water by a man. Six swords are lodged in the boat, representing the emotional baggage they carry with them. The water on one side of the boat is choppy, while it’s calm on the other side, symbolizing the transition from turmoil to tranquility. The distant land on the other side of the water symbolizes the promise of a better future.

Upright Meanings

  • Transition
  • Moving on
  • Leaving troubles behind
  • Emotional healing
  • Journey

In the upright position, the Six of Swords represents moving away from tumultuous times and transitioning towards a more stable phase of life. This card calls on us to face our problems head-on and make the necessary changes to improve our situation. The Six of Swords encourages us to not fear change, but to embrace it as a necessary part of growth and healing.

Reversed Meanings

  • Resistance to change
  • Stuck in the past
  • Unable to move on
  • Repeating old patterns
  • Fear of the unknown

When the Six of Swords appears reversed, it serves as a warning against resisting necessary change and holding onto the past. While the Six of Swords upright indicates moving on and healing, the reversal cautions against stagnation and fear of the unknown. The reversed Six of Swords asks us to confront our fears and break away from old patterns that are holding us back.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Six of Swords often appears when you are in the midst of a transition or change. It suggests that you are moving from a place of difficulty towards a more peaceful stage in your life. This transition may be literal, such as moving to a new location, or metaphorical, like moving on from a difficult relationship or a challenging past.

This card is a sign of hope and encouragement that your troubles will not last forever, and better days are coming. It’s a call to keep moving forward, even when the journey is tough. Remember, every step you take is a step towards your personal growth and happiness.

Spiritual Guidance

The Six of Swords indicates a journey of spiritual growth and healing. It suggests that you are moving away from turbulence and towards a phase of calm and tranquility. This card encourages you to let go of past heartaches and disappointments and open your heart to healing and forgiveness.

This card may also signify a spiritual journey or pilgrimage. It’s a call to seek inner peace and enlightenment, and to trust in the journey, even if the destination is not yet clear.

Career Meaning

In a career context, the Six of Swords suggests a transition or change in your work situation. You may be moving on from a job that no longer serves you to one that is more aligned with your values and aspirations. This card encourages you to embrace change and view it as an opportunity for growth and advancement.

This card may also indicate that you are moving away from workplace conflicts and towards a more harmonious work environment. It’s a call to leave behind the negative energy and focus on creating a positive and productive workspace.


In a relationship context, the Six of Swords often appears when you are moving on from a difficult or tumultuous relationship. It signifies the journey from heartache and conflict towards healing and peace. This card encourages you to let go of past hurts and to embrace the healing process.

This card could also indicate a physical move or travel that will impact your relationship. It’s a call to embrace change and trust in the journey, as it will lead you to where you need to be.


The Six of Swords encourages introspection and personal growth. Consider the following questions for introspective analysis:

  • What changes do I need to embrace in my life?
  • How can I let go of past hurts and move on?
  • What fears or insecurities are holding me back?
  • How can I foster healing and forgiveness in my life?
  • What steps can I take to create a more positive future?

Reversed Meanings

  • Return to old troubles
  • Fear of moving on
  • Avoidance of transition
  • Escaping problems
  • Emotional baggage

The reversed Six of Swords indicates a resistance to change and a fear of moving forward. You may be feeling stuck in the past, unable to break free from old patterns and habits. This card encourages you to confront these fears and to embrace the change that is needed for growth and healing.

This card may also suggest that you are carrying emotional baggage with you into the future. It’s a reminder that in order to truly move forward, you must first confront and resolve your pastemotions. Carrying unresolved issues with you will only create more problems in your future. It’s a call to face these challenges head-on and to seek the healing you need to move forward.

In a reversed position, the Six of Swords can also indicate a return to old troubles or conflicts. You may find yourself repeating the same mistakes or falling into old patterns. This card serves as a warning to break free from these damaging cycles and to seek a more positive and healthy path forward.

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