Eight Of Swords

Eight Of Swords

The Eight of Swords is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is considered a card of restriction and inner conflict. The Eight of Swords exemplifies entrapment, self-victimization, and fear. It encourages us to face our fears and liberate ourselves.


The Eight of Swords depicts a woman bound and blindfolded, surrounded by eight swords. The sky is grey, suggesting a sense of hopelessness or despair. The surrounding swords represent the perceived barriers that she believes are holding her back. The somber tone of the card represents the feeling of being trapped or restricted.

Upright Meanings

  • Feeling trapped or restricted
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Overthinking
  • Self-imposed limitations
  • Victim mentality

In the upright position, the Eight of Swords represents a situation where one feels trapped or restricted, often due to their own fears or anxieties. This card calls on us to break free from these self-imposed limitations. The Eight of Swords encourages us to challenge our fears and overcome obstacles in our path.

Reversed Meanings

  • Liberation from restriction
  • Overcoming fear
  • Breaking free from self-imposed limitations
  • Release from victim mentality
  • New perspective

When the Eight of Swords appears reversed, it serves as a warning against staying stuck in fear and self-imposed limitations. While the Eight of Swords upright indicates a sense of entrapment, the reversal cautions against continuing to victimize oneself. The reversed Eight of Swords asks us to find the courage to break free.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Eight of Swords in a life journey context can often signify a period of feeling stuck or restricted. However, it’s important to understand that these restrictions are often self-imposed, due to fear or overthinking. By acknowledging these fears and facing them head-on, we can begin to liberate ourselves.

In our journey through life, we may sometimes feel overwhelmed by circumstances that seem beyond our control. The Eight of Swords reminds us that the key to overcoming these challenges often lies within us. By shifting our perspective, we can see potential solutions that were previously hidden.

Spiritual Guidance

In a spiritual context, the Eight of Swords encourages introspection and inner work. It represents a need to confront our fears and anxieties, as they are often the only thing holding us back from spiritual growth.

The Eight of Swords can also suggest that we may be trapping ourselves in outdated beliefs or spiritual practices that no longer serve us. By letting go of these limitations, we can open ourselves to new spiritual experiences and insights.

Career Meaning

In the context of career, the Eight of Swords might signify feeling trapped in a job or career path. This could be due to fear of change, or a belief that there are no other options available.

However, the Eight of Swords reminds us that these feelings of entrapment are often self-imposed. By challenging these beliefs and exploring new opportunities, we can find a career path that truly fulfills us.


In a relationship context, the Eight of Swords can signify feeling trapped or restricted. This could be due to fear of being alone, or a belief that things can’t change.

The Eight of Swords encourages us to challenge these beliefs and take steps towards healthier relationships. This might involve setting boundaries, expressing our needs, or even walking away from a relationship that is no longer serving us.


The Eight of Swords calls on us to reflect on the ways in which we may be holding ourselves back. Consider the following questions for introspective analysis:

  • In what ways might I be trapping myself through fear or overthinking?
  • What steps can I take to overcome these fears?
  • How can I change my perspective to see new possibilities?
  • What limitations might I be imposing on myself in my career or relationships?
  • How can I work towards liberating myself?

Reversed Meanings

  • Freedom from restriction
  • Overcoming anxieties
  • Breaking free from self-imposed limitations
  • Release from victim mentality
  • Fresh perspective

When the Eight of Swords is reversed, it indicates a time of liberation and overcoming self-imposed restrictions. It suggests that the fears and anxieties that held you back are beginning to recede, and you are starting to see things from a new perspective.

The reversed Eight of Swords is a powerful symbol of freedom and the breaking of chains. It’s a sign that you are overcoming your fears and anxieties, breaking free from the restrictions you had placed on yourself. The reversed Eight of Swords signifies a time of liberation, a period when you are able to move past your fears and embrace your personal power. It’s a time to celebrate your newfound freedom and to look forward to new opportunities and experiences.

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