Seven Of Swords

Seven Of Swords

The Seven of Swords is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number seven, considered a symbol of strategy, cunning, and deception. The Seven of Swords exemplifies stealth, strategy, and subterfuge. It encourages us to be strategic, cautious, and aware of our surroundings and the motives of others.


The Seven of Swords depicts a man sneaking away from a military camp with a bundle of five swords in his arms, leaving two behind. The camp in the background and the two swords left behind represent the idea of incomplete victories or unfulfilled expectations. The man’s secretive demeanor and the twilight setting suggest an undertone of cunning and deception.

The five swords in the man’s arms represent the victories or spoils that he has managed to secure, while the two he leaves behind symbolize the incomplete nature of the victory. The secretive twilight ambiance of the card indicates a sense of caution and strategy.

Upright Meanings

  • Strategy and planning
  • Deception or betrayal
  • Incomplete victories
  • A need for caution
  • Subterfuge

In the upright position, the Seven of Swords represents strategy, planning, and the need for caution. This card calls on us to consider our actions carefully and be aware of the potential consequences. The Seven of Swords encourages us to be strategic and alert to the motives of others.

Reversed Meanings

  • Coming clean or confession
  • Detected deception
  • Returning after leaving
  • A lack of strategy
  • Exposing the truth

When the Seven of Swords appears reversed, it serves as a warning against deceit and lack of caution. While the Seven of Swords upright indicates strategy, planning, and caution, the reversal cautions against deception, lack of foresight, and hasty actions. The reversed Seven of Swords asks us to be truthful, considerate, and strategic in our actions.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Seven of Swords, when it comes to our life journey, asks us to question our strategies and plans. Are we being honest with ourselves and others? Are we leaving important things behind in our quest for progress? It’s a call to reassess our path and the methods we’re employing to achieve our goals.

This card also suggests that we may need to employ strategy and planning in our approach to life. It encourages us to be cunning, but not deceitful. It is a reminder that a well-thought-out plan, combined with honest action, can lead to success.

Spiritual Guidance

In a spiritual context, the Seven of Swords encourages us to be mindful of our actions and their potential consequences. It asks us to consider whether our actions are in alignment with our spiritual beliefs and values.

The Seven of Swords also suggests that we may need to employ strategy in our spiritual journey. This could mean planning our path to spiritual growth, being mindful of potential pitfalls, and being honest in our spiritual practices.

Career Meaning

In a career context, the Seven of Swords suggests that we may need to be strategic and cautious. It may indicate office politics, underhand tactics, or the need for caution in business dealings. On the other hand, it could suggest that a well-thought-out strategy and careful planning could lead to success in our careers.

This card also suggests that we should be aware of the potential consequences of our actions at work. It may be a warning against deceit or dishonesty in our professional life. It encourages honesty, strategy, and careful planning.


The Seven of Swords in a relationship context suggests that there may be deception or dishonesty. It could indicate that one or both partners are not being completely honest or that there are secrets being kept. It’s a reminder to be open, honest, and transparent in your relationships.

This card could also suggest that there may be a need for strategy in navigating a relationship. It could mean that careful planning and consideration are needed to overcome issues or problems in the relationship.


The Seven of Swords encourages introspection and self-analysis. Use this card as a reminder to be honest with yourself, consider your actions and motives, and plan your path forward with integrity and strategy. Reflect on these questions:

  • Am I being honest with myself and others?
  • Am I being strategic in my approach to life?
  • Am I leaving important things behind in my quest for progress?
  • Are my actions in alignment with my values?
  • Can I employ strategy without resorting to deceit?

Reversed Meanings

  • A confession or revelation of truth
  • The unmasking of deceit
  • Lack of planning or strategy
  • Return after departure
  • Exposure of hidden facts

The Seven of Swords reversed indicates a time when hidden truths come to light. Deceptions are uncovered, and strategies fail due to a lack of planning or foresight.

When reversed, this card suggests that the time of deceit and subterfuge is ending. It’s time to face the truth, own up toyour actions, and deal with the consequences honestly and openly. It’s a call for transparency and truth in all aspects of life – personal, professional, and spiritual.

The reversed Seven of Swords also suggests a lack of strategy or planning. It may indicate that hasty decisions or actions taken without proper thought or foresight could lead to problems or failures. This card in reverse reminds us to be thoughtful and strategic in our actions, to consider the potential consequences, and to act with honesty and integrity.

Remember, the Seven of Swords reversed isn’t necessarily negative. It serves as a reminder that honesty and transparency are always the best policies, and that a well-thought-out strategy is far more effective than deception or underhand tactics. It’s an invitation to reassess our actions and strategies, to ensure they are in line with our values and goals.

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