Three Of Swords

Three Of Swords

The Three of Swords is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number three, considered pivotal in the suit of Swords. The Three of Swords exemplifies heartbreak, betrayal, and separation. It encourages us to acknowledge our pain and begin the healing process.


The Three of Swords depicts a heart being pierced by three swords against a backdrop of a stormy sky. The heart and swords represent emotional pain and mental conflict, while the stormy sky signifies turmoil and unrest. The tone of the card is somber and dramatic, reflecting its themes of loss and sorrow.

Upright Meanings

  • Heartbreak
  • Emotional pain
  • Separation or divorce
  • Betrayal
  • Grief

In the upright position, the Three of Swords represents the pain that comes from emotional loss or betrayal. This card calls on us to face our feelings of grief and betrayal, rather than avoiding or repressing them. The Three of Swords encourages us to embark on a journey of healing and recovery.

Reversed Meanings

  • Healing and recovery
  • Forgiveness
  • Releasing pain
  • Moving on
  • Optimism

When the Three of Swords appears reversed, it serves as a warning against remaining stuck in past pain. While the Three of Swords upright indicates heartbreak and betrayal, the reversal cautions against holding onto resentment or bitterness. The reversed Three of Swords asks us to let go of our past hurts and start the healing process.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Three of Swords often appears when we are dealing with emotional pain, whether from a romantic breakup, a betrayal by a friend, or the loss of a loved one. Its appearance in a reading suggests a need to confront and process these emotions, rather than avoiding or suppressing them.

In a broader sense, this card can symbolize the trials and tribulations we all face in life. The painful experiences represented by the Three of Swords, while difficult, are often necessary stages in our personal growth and development. They teach us empathy, resilience, and the value of emotional healing.

Spiritual Guidance

On a spiritual level, the Three of Swords invites us to explore our suffering as a means to deepen our understanding of the human condition. It suggests that our personal pain can lead us to greater empathy and compassion for others.

The card also represents a rupture or separation that can be spiritual in nature. This could be a crisis of faith, or a feeling of being spiritually “stuck” or disconnected. The Three of Swords encourages us to seek healing for these spiritual wounds, perhaps by seeking guidance or pursuing a new spiritual path.

Career Meaning

In terms of career, the Three of Swords can signal a difficult period at work. This could be conflict with colleagues, disappointment about a job not going as expected, or even job loss. It’s a call to handle these situations with grace and seek support when needed.

However, this card could also indicate a necessary end. For example, leaving a job that’s not fulfilling, or ending a business partnership that’s not working. Despite the initial pain, such endings can open the door to new opportunities.


In a relationship reading, the Three of Swords is often a difficult card to see. It can signify heartbreak, separation, or betrayal. If you’re in a relationship, it could indicate a rough patch. For single people, it may suggest past wounds that are affecting your ability to form a new relationship.

Despite its challenging message, this card also encourages healing. It’s a call to process your feelings, communicate openly, and, if needed, seek professional help like counseling.


The Three of Swords invites you to reflect on your emotional wounds and how they have shaped your life. It’s a call to acknowledge your pain, but also to recognize your capacity for healing and growth.

  • What painful experiences have I not fully processed?
  • How have my past hurts shaped who I am today?
  • How can I start the healing process?
  • What can I learn from my past pain?
  • How can I cultivate forgiveness and release resentment?

Reversed Meanings

  • Emotional healing
  • Release of pain
  • Forgiveness
  • Moving on
  • Optimism

When the Three of Swords appears reversed in a reading, it generally signals a time of recovery and healing. It’s a positive sign if you’ve been going through a painful period, suggesting that the end of that hard time is near.

The reversed Three of Swords is a card of optimism and release. It suggests a light at the end of the tunnel, a time of forgiveness, and the release of painful memories. It may appear when you’re finally ready to let go of past hurts and move forward with a renewed sense of hope and optimism.

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