Nine Of Wands

Nine Of Wands

The Nine of Wands is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck, forming part of the Minor Arcana. It is card number nine, often associated with resilience, persistence, and preparedness. The Nine of Wands exemplifies strength in adversity, determination, and a defensive stance. It encourages us to stand our ground and remain steadfast in the face of challenges.


The Nine of Wands depicts a weary but determined man, leaning on one of the nine wands he has gathered. He bears the scars of battle but stands firm, ready to face any more challenges that come his way. The eight other wands lined up behind him serve as a protective barrier.

The nine wands represent resilience and strength, while the man’s stance and expression suggest determination and readiness. The overall tone of the card is one of preparedness and defensive resilience.

Upright Meanings

  • Resilience
  • Persistence
  • Preparedness
  • Defensive stance
  • Strength in adversity

In the upright position, the Nine of Wands represents resilience, persistence, and preparedness. It signifies a time when we might be feeling weary or bruised, but we must remain determined and ready to face any further challenges. This card calls on us to stand our ground and stay resilient despite adversity. The Nine of Wands encourages us to keep our defenses up and prepare for any potential obstacles.

Reversed Meanings

  • Paranoia
  • Stubbornness
  • Burnout
  • Defensive overreaction
  • Lack of persistence

When the Nine of Wands appears reversed, it serves as a warning against paranoia, stubbornness, or defensive overreaction. While the Nine of Wands upright encourages resilience and preparedness, its reversal cautions against becoming overly defensive or stubbornly refusing to see different perspectives. The reversed Nine of Wands asks us to examine our defenses and ensure we are not resisting change out of fear.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Nine of Wands presents a critical stage in our life journey, indicating that we are likely in the middle of a challenging period. This is a time when we are called to draw upon our inner reserves of strength and determination. We may be feeling battered and bruised from previous battles, yet we must continue to stand our ground, resolute and ready to face any further adversity that comes our way.

This card encourages us to acknowledge the difficulties we’re experiencing, but not to give up. It’s about understanding that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth and development. The Nine of Wands reminds us that the struggles we face now are not in vain, but instead are shaping us, helping us to become stronger and more resilient individuals.

Spiritual Guidance

In a spiritual context, the Nine of Wands calls for resilience. It suggests that we may be experiencing doubts or facing obstacles on our spiritual path. These might take the form of internal doubts, external criticism, or even challenges to our faith. Despite these issues, we must remain steadfast and committed to our spiritual journey.

This card serves as a reminder that spiritual growth often comes from overcoming adversity. It encourages us to view our spiritual struggles not as setbacks, but as opportunities for deepening our faith and understanding. By facing our spiritual challenges head-on, we strengthen our spiritual resilience and deepen our connection to the divine.

Career Meaning

Within a career context, the Nine of Wands represents a time of high pressure and challenge. We may be faced with a demanding workload, tight deadlines, or difficult colleagues. Despite the stress and strain, we must remain resilient and steadfast.

This card encourages us to draw upon our inner reserves of strength and resilience in order to meet these challenges. It’s a reminder that while the road to success may not always be easy, our perseverance and determination will ultimately pay off. By standing our ground and refusing to give up, we can overcome any professional obstacles that come our way.


In the context of relationships, the Nine of Wands suggests a period of struggle or tension. We may be dealing with conflicts, miscommunications, or other challenges that are causing strain in our relationship. Despite these difficulties, the Nine of Wands encourages us to stay strong and stand our ground.

This card reminds us to maintain open lines of communication and to approach conflicts with understanding and patience. It encourages us to be resilient and persistent, even when times are tough. By doing so, we can work through our issues and come out stronger on the other side.


When reflecting on the Nine of Wands, consider the following questions:

  • What challenges are you currently facing, and how are you preparing for them?
  • How can you remain resilient in the face of adversity?
  • Are you being overly defensive or stubborn in any areas of your life?
  • How can you maintain your strength and resilience during difficult times?
  • What lessons have past challenges taught you about resilience and determination?

Reversed Meanings

  • Paranoia
  • Stubbornness
  • Defensive overreaction
  • Lack of persistence

When the Nine of Wands appears reversed in a reading, it’s a sign that we need to reassess our approach to the challenges and struggles we’re facing. This card’s reversal might indicate that we’re stuck in a defensive mindset, becoming overly paranoid or stubborn. It could be a sign that we’re nearing burnout, pushing ourselves too hard, or overreacting to potential threats.

The reversed Nine of Wands is a warning against becoming so entrenched in our defensive stance that we block out new opportunities or perspectives. It’s important to remember that not every situation is a battle, and not every person is an adversary. This card’s reversal asks us to examine our defenses and ensure we’re not resisting necessary change out of fear or stubbornness.

Alternatively, the reversed Nine of Wands could indicate a lack of persistence. We may be feeling discouraged or overwhelmed, leading us to consider giving up. This card’s reversal is a reminder that perseverance is key, and that our struggles and challenges are opportunities for growth.

Ultimately, the reversed Nine of Wands calls on us to find balance. We need to stay resilient and prepared, but not to the point of paranoia or burnout. It’s about knowing when to stand our ground, and when to be flexible and open to new approaches.

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