Six of Wands

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck, belonging to the Minor Arcana. It is the sixth card in the suit of Wands and embodies success, victory, and public recognition. The Six of Wands symbolizes the triumph that comes after the struggle, the accolades following the challenges, and the recognition after the hard work. It encourages us to celebrate our victories and appreciate our achievements, while also inspiring those around us.


The Six of Wands depicts a man on horseback, holding a wand with a wreath on top, and being cheered by a crowd. He wears a laurel wreath, signifying victory, and his horse is adorned with green decorative fabric, symbolizing life and growth.

The man riding high on the horse represents success, victory, and accomplishment. The laurel wreath is a symbol of victory and honor, while the cheering crowd signifies public recognition and celebration. The overall tone of the card is triumphant and celebratory.

Upright Meanings

  • Success
  • Victory
  • Recognition
  • Achievement
  • Triumph over obstacles

In the upright position, the Six of Wands represents success, victory, and recognition. It indicates a time of achievement and public recognition for your hard work. This card calls on us to celebrate our victories, no matter how small, and appreciate our achievements. The Six of Wands encourages us to inspire others with our success and use our victories to propel us forward.

Reversed Meanings

  • Delayed success
  • Lack of recognition
  • Temporary setbacks
  • Unseen victories
  • Fear of success

When the Six of Wands appears reversed, it serves as a reminder that success may be delayed but it is not denied. It could also indicate a lack of public recognition or unseen victories. While the Six of Wands upright signals victory and triumph, the reversed card warns against fear of success and temporary setbacks. The reversed Six of Wands asks us to remain steadfast and confident, for success is just around the corner.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Six of Wands in your life journey signifies not just victory, but the recognition of that victory. It’s the time when your hard work has paid off and others acknowledge your accomplishments. This is a moment of joy and fulfillment. You have overcome the challenges, persisted through the trials, and emerged victorious. This card serves as a reminder that every struggle will eventually lead to victory if one remains determined and focused on the goal, and that success is even sweeter when shared and celebrated with others.

However, this card also brings a word of caution. While it’s important to enjoy the moment and bask in the glory, it’s equally important to not let success lead to arrogance or complacency. Each victory should be seen as a stepping stone to the next goal, a motivation to keep striving and growing, and an opportunity to inspire and motivate others with your story of success.

Spiritual Guidance

In a spiritual context, the Six of Wands heralds a time of spiritual advancement and recognition. You may have recently achieved a significant milestone on your spiritual journey, such as developing a consistent meditation practice, overcoming a spiritual block, or reaching a new level of understanding and wisdom. This is a time to acknowledge and celebrate this spiritual victory.

However, like in the material world, spiritual success should not lead to ego inflation or complacency. It is important to remain humble and keep the focus on the spiritual path. This card encourages you to share your spiritual achievements with others, not as a way of boasting, but as a way to inspire and motivate others on their spiritual journey.

Career Meaning

In terms of career, the Six of Wands is a highly positive card signifying success, achievement, and recognition. You might have recently completed a project, achieved a significant career milestone, or received a promotion or public acknowledgment for your work. This is a time to celebrate your professional accomplishments and enjoy the rewards of your hard work.

However, this card also advises not to rest on your laurels. Professional success should motivate you to aim higher and set new career goals. It’s also a reminder to stay grounded and humble in your success, and to use your position to help and inspire others at your workplace.


In the context of relationships, the Six of Wands signifies a time of mutual success and celebration. Maybe your relationship has reached a significant milestone, like engagement, marriage, or the decision to start a family. Or, you and your partner may have successfully navigated through a tough time, thus strengthening your bond.

This card encourages you to celebrate these moments and to use them as an opportunity to deepen your connection with your partner. However, it also reminds you that successful relationships require continuous effort and that every achievement should motivate both partners to work towards maintaining the harmony and happiness in the relationship.


  • How can you share your victories with others in a way that inspires and motivates them?
  • What are the next goals you want to set for yourself following your recent success?
  • How can you use your success as a stepping stone to further growth, personally, spiritually, and professionally?
  • How can you maintain humility in the face of success?
  • What lessons have you learned from your recent achievements that you can apply to future challenges?

Reversed Meanings

When the Six of Wands appears reversed, it could suggest a delay in success, a setback, or a lack of recognition. Maybe you’ve worked hard towards a goal but have yet to see the results, or perhaps you’ve achieved something but haven’t received the acknowledgment you were hoping for.

However, the reversed Six of Wands is not a sign of failure, but rather a call to persevere. It’s a reminder that success often comes with its own set of challenges and that the road to achievement is often marked with obstacles and delays.

This card encourages you to keep faith in your abilities, to persevere in your efforts, and to know that every setback is a setup for a comeback. It’s also a reminder to seek inner validation rather than relying solely on external recognition. Your worth is not determined by the recognition you receive from others but by the effort you put in and the integrity with which you achieve your goals.

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