16 - The Tower

16 – The Tower

The Tower is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 16, considered a symbol of sudden upheaval and chaos. The Tower exemplifies crisis, revelation, and destruction of the old to make way for the new. It encourages us to embrace profound change even when it turns our world upside down.


The Tower depicts a tall tower struck by lightning, with two people falling from the ruins. The building represents human constructs, ambitions, and ego. The lightning strike and ensuing destruction indicate a shocking, destructive event that changes everything in an instant. The people jumping from the tower show abandoning previous beliefs when faced with revelation.

Upright Meanings

  • Sudden change or upheaval
  • Destruction of old ways
  • Chaos and uncertainty
  • Revealing truths and epiphanies
  • Release and liberation

In the upright position, the Tower represents sudden, disruptive change and destruction of the old status quo. This card calls on us to embrace revelation and epiphanies, even if they shake foundations and cause turmoil. The Tower encourages us to release limiting beliefs and constructs that constrain our growth.

Reversed Meanings

  • Personal transformation and metamorphosis
  • Rebirth after destruction and chaos
  • More positive way of seeing major change
  • Relief after releasing limiting beliefs
  • Avoiding disaster through acceptance

When the Tower appears reversed, it serves as a sign we are undergoing or have undergone major personal transformation. While the Tower upright depicts external chaos and destruction, the reversal indicates inner changes remaking us from within. The reversed Tower asks us to embrace this metamorphosis.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The upright Tower in a life journey reading indicates destabilizing events that catalyze profound changes. Though it may feel like your world is falling apart, this destruction makes space for reconstruction of your life. Let go of limiting beliefs and constructs. Build life on a new foundation with greater integrity.

Spiritual Guidance

On a spiritual level, the Tower upright represents sudden awakening and revelation that force you to reconsider beliefs. Though the ego may resist these epiphanies, embrace them. They are gifts moving you closer to enlightenment. Let go of false constructs that blinded you.

Career Meaning

Professionally, the upright Tower signifies disruptive events like job loss, company collapse, or radical career changes. Though destabilizing, view this as an opportunity to rebuild your vocation based on higher truths. Destruction of the old clears space for rebirth.


Interpersonally, the Tower upright can represent break ups, separations, or shocking revelations that permanently alter relationships. Though painful, it’s better to free yourself from unhealthy bonds. You may need to rebuild relationships from the ground up over time.


When the Tower appears, reflect on:

  • What limiting beliefs or structures require destruction in my life?
  • What revelations am I resisting that could liberate me?
  • What parts of my life feel chaotic currently?
  • What positive transformations might arise after this destruction?
  • How can I show myself grace through uncertainty?

Reversed Meanings

The reversed Tower indicates you are undergoing or have recently experienced a personal transformation. While the Tower upright shows external chaos, the reversal suggests inner changes and self-discovery. You are rebuilding your life on new foundations.

When the Tower is reversed, embrace the self-knowledge and growth you have experienced. Avoid resisting necessary change or clinging to limiting beliefs out of fear. Trust in the meaningfulness of this metamorphosis. Relief comes after fully releasing the old version of yourself.

Though the upright Tower shows destruction externally, its reversal signifies inner shifts remaking you. Know that by releasing constricting worldviews and constructs, you make space for a truer expression of your being. Let the reversed Tower reassure you that positive rebirth follows the challenging dissolution of the old.

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