9 - The Hermit

9 – The Hermit

The Hermit, numbered IX in the Major Arcana, represents inner reflection, solitude, contemplation, and the search for deeper spiritual understanding through withdrawal from the distractions of daily life.

Card Imagery

The Hermit card depicts an old hooded man holding a staff in one hand and a lit lantern in the other, walking alone on a dark path. The lantern’s light signifies inner illumination, and the staff represents wisdom and experience. His gray beard represents a lifetime of knowledge. The mountains behind him promise inner revelation if he perseveres in seeking truth.

Upright Meanings

  • Soul-searching, introspection
  • Inner wisdom, deeper understanding
  • Solitude, reflection, meditation
  • Guidance, mentorship, advice
  • Isolation, loneliness (reversed)

Upright, the Hermit represents the spiritual need to periodically retreat inward to contemplate life’s mysteries and illuminate the truth of your innermost self.

Reversed Meanings

  • Isolation, loneliness, alienation
  • Lack of self-reflection
  • Disconnection from inner wisdom
  • Rejection of spiritual knowledge
  • Overemphasis on materialism

Reversed, the Hermit loses connection with their inner light and withdraws not for self-discovery but out of psychological isolation and rejection of spiritual wisdom.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

When the Hermit appears upright, it signals a need to retreat from the noisy demands of the world to reconnect with your inner truths. Temporarily withdraw into solitude to meditate deeply on your path ahead and address lingering questions through soul-searching. The insights gained will reveal your next wise steps.

However, reversed the Hermit warns against becoming so isolated you lose meaningful connection and neglect important self-examination. Awaken from excessive withdrawal and reengage mindfully.

Spiritual Guidance

Upright, the Hermit reflects a stage on the spiritual path marked by deeper dive into esoteric wisdom away from society’s storied beliefs. Seek those who walked the path before you and honor the silence within while pursuing mystic truths.

Reversed cautions to avoid rejecting organized religion to the point of disconnecting from all spiritual community or teachings. Maintain an open mind and heart while on your solitary inner pilgrimage.

Career and Finances

Professionally, the upright Hermit indicates value in occasionally retreating from constant activity to contemplate next directions. Solitude fuels creativity. Financially, avoid overspending on external pursuits; find richness within.

However, reversed, withdrawal may be avoiding career issues that require fresh strategies. Reengage with trusted colleagues to brainstorm solutions. Finances also need active monitoring to avoid mismanagement.


Upright, the Hermit brings times to temporarily retreat from relationships’ demands into nurturing solitude, while staying available to partners. Absence can feed intimacy.

Reversed warns disconnection from loved ones is harming the bond. Isolation likely results from relationship problems or personal struggles. Reach out andverbalize needs.


Reflect on these questions inspired by the Hermit:

  • Do I need more introspective time to process challenges and illuminate my inner truth?
  • Am I dismissing spiritual/mystic wisdom and community despite inner longing due to past wounds?
  • What solitude practices could strengthen me? What company would also nourish?
  • Have I lost touch with personal needs and truth in relationships?
  • Where can I find perspective and wisdom to light my way forward?

The Hermit arrives to guide you inward to discover your inner light. Withdraw to contemplate, then return with gifts for the world.

Expanded Reversed Meaning

The reversed Hermit often represents withdrawal not for inner renewal but out of psychological isolation and disconnection from spiritual community. While temporary solitude is necessary, long-term rejecting of worldly connection and spiritual guidance creates suffering. The reversed Hermit’s lantern light grows dim, leaving them lost in darkness, unable to illuminate inner truth.

Excessive isolation is often rooted in pain and distrust of others. However, refusing spiritual teaching further cuts you off fromtransformational wisdom. To reverse the Hermit, reflect on what wounds drive you from community and divine connection. Then begin taking small steps to increase spiritual practice and exchanges with those who nourish your soul. Integrate valuable teachings to help understand your journey. Therein you will rediscover the light within, which never leaves us but sometimes needs dusting off.

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