19 - The Sun

19 – The Sun

The Sun is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 19, considered a source of energy, vitality, and positivity. The Sun exemplifies joy, success, and creativity. It encourages us to connect with our inner light and share our gifts with the world.


The Sun depicts a bright sun shining down on two joyful children playing under its warm glow. The sun represents vitality, positivity, inspiration and success. The children symbolize innocence and freedom. Together the imagery reflects happiness, creativity and connection to one’s inner child.

Upright Meanings

  • Happiness, joy, positivity
  • Vitality, energy, inspiration
  • Success, achievement, confidence
  • Freedom, playfulness inner child
  • Creativity, passion, radiance

In the upright position, the Sun represents success, inspiration and connecting with one’s inner light. This card calls on us to embrace joy and share our gifts freely with the world. The Sun encourages us to nurture our passions to shine fully as our authentic selves.

Reversed Meanings

  • Inner child wounds, lack of nurturing
  • Negativity, cynicism, sadness
  • Lack of confidence, fear of success
  • Creative blocks, boredom
  • Withdrawing from world, isolation

When the Sun appears reversed, it cautions against creative blocks, cynicism and disconnection from one’s inner fire. While the Sun upright reflects joy and inspiration, its reversal suggests inner child wounds and lack of confidence. The reversed Sun prompts us to examine and heal issues damping our creative spirit.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The upright Sun in a life journey position radiates a profoundly joyful, inspired period where you feel aligned with your soul’s purpose. This Major Arcana card reflects a time of freedom, confidence, and creative expression. Under the Sun’s glow, share your authentic talents and passions generously with the world. Embrace playfulness, innocence and adventure. Say “yes” to opportunities that ignite your spirit. Allow success and positivity to flourish through embracing your gifts. Let any lingering inner wounds from childhood heal under the warm light of the Sun. Become a beacon of light and inspiration for others.

Spiritual Guidance

On a deeper spiritual level, the upright Sun reflects fully connecting with your inner divine essence and highest self. Your energy is vibrant and aligned with your soul’s purpose. Spiritual gifts awaken powerfully within you now. Make time for spiritual rituals that nurture your relationship with the divine. Allow your creativity to flow freely as a channel for sacred inspiration. Practice radiating positivity, childlike wonder and joy. See all beings as children of the divine Sun’s light. When faced with any remaining inner darkness, respond with compassion. Heal and transform shadows into light.

Career Meaning

Within the realm of career, the upright Sun heralds a time of achievement, confidence, respect and joy in your work. Projects capture your passion, sparking innovation. Share your talents boldly. The Sun’s glow attracts exciting opportunities. Claim leadership roles and voice your ideas. While immersed in ambition, make time for fun with co-workers too. Allow creativity to infuse all endeavors. Balance receiving abundant rewards for your contributions with sharing positive energy with colleagues. Let the Sun’s inspiration ignite your highest potential.


In relationships, the upright Sun nourishes intimacy through playfulness, adventure and joy. Make time for creativity, humor and romance. Practice vulnerability and deep listening to forge authentic bonds. Communicate your needs and feelings openly. Help loved ones embrace their inner light. Support each other’s passions. Resolve conflicts through compassion. Under the Sun’s guidance relationships can bloom, inspiring all involved to become their best selves.


When the Sun appears, reflect on:

  • What creative endeavors most ignite my passions now?
  • How can I shine my talents and gifts more boldly?
  • What inner child wounds or limiting beliefs require healing?
  • How can I embrace more freedom and playfulness?
  • Who requires my light, inspiration and positivity now?
  • What spiritual practices deepen my purpose and joy?
  • How can I achieve inspiring goals while staying balanced?
  • What experiences bring my deepest happiness?

Reversed Meanings

When the Sun appears reversed, creative blocks, fear and sadness dampen your spirit. Examine issues like perfectionism, lack of nurturing or distrust of success that inhibit your self-expression. Heal inner child wounds still impacting your thoughts and behaviors. Small acts of play and creating help rekindle your inner light. Share your authentic self with compassionate loved ones to reconnect with your joyful essence.

The reversed Sun reminds us that we each contain an inner light meant to be shared generously with the world. But sometimes past wounds or mindsets distort our radiance. Reflect on and release patterns bred from fear, not love. When darkness feels overwhelming, even small steps like dancing, singing, or creating bring back vitality and inspiration. Your inner child longs to play and express freely. Let the reversed Sun be a call to reignite your passion for life.

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