17 - The Star

17 – The Star

The Star is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 17, considered a source of inspiration, spirituality, and renewed hope. The Star exemplifies faith, purpose, and connection to intuitive wisdom. It encourages us to embrace divine guidance to fulfill our destiny.


The Star depicts a naked woman kneeling by a body of water with two urns, one pouring water onto the land and one into the water. Around her are seven stars representing chakras and the Divine. The woman symbolizes openness and vulnerability, while the water represents subconscious insights and purification. The trading of water shows the exchange between conscious and unconscious realms.

Upright Meanings

  • Inspiration, creativity and renewed passion
  • Spiritual connection and guidance
  • Hope, faith and inner peace
  • Generosity, serenity and calm
  • Purification and cleansing

In the upright position, the Star represents inspiration, spirituality, and renewed hope after difficulty. This card calls on us to embrace divine guidance to realize our full potential. The Star encourages us to nurture dreams and cultivate inner peace amidst life’s challenges.

Reversed Meanings

  • Lack of faith, cynicism
  • Creative blocks, confusion
  • Releasing negative habits and behaviors
  • Examining beliefs blocking growth
  • Reconnecting with inner wisdom

When the Star appears reversed, it cautions against losing faith, feeling discouraged or creatively blocked. While the Star upright reflects inspiration, its reversal suggests spiritual disconnection. The reversed Star prompts self-reflection to identify limiting beliefs requiring release.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Star upright indicates a period of inspiration and renewed passion in your life path. You feel spiritually connected and able to manifest dreams. Nurture creativity by flowing with intuitive wisdom. Generously share your gifts with others. This card heralds hope and fulfillment.

Spiritual Guidance

On a spiritual level, the upright Star reflect heightened connection to the Divine. Your intuitive abilities are strong during this time. Listen to inner guidance to gain insights about fulfilling your soul purpose. Nurture spiritual rituals. Maintain faith in yourself and lean into support from spirit guides.

Career Meaning

Professionally, the upright Star signifies creative inspiration and passion for your work. Share unique talents and insights with colleagues. This card also indicates hopefulness about achieving meaningful career goals. Have faith in yourself to manifest your aspirations.


Interpersonally, the Star upright reflects compassion, generosity and support in relationships. Practice open communication, vulnerability and setting healthy boundaries. Nurture yourself and loved ones spiritually. Express love creatively. Find hope during conflicts.


Reflect on the following when the Star appears:

  • What creative inspirations or dreams am I called to nurture?
  • How can I embrace intuition and spiritual connection?
  • What gifts and talents can I share more fully with others?
  • How can I cultivate faith and inner calm?
  • What guidance does my highest self offer now?

Reversed Meanings

When the Star appears reversed, you may be struggling with cynicism, doubt and lack of inspiration. Creative blocks and confusion arise when you disconnect from intuitive wisdom. Examine underlying beliefs blocking your self-expression and spiritual growth. Release behaviors or thought patterns bred from fear rather than faith. Rekindle your connection with the Divine. Trust in your inner light to guide you back to hope and purpose.

The reversed Star reminds us that challenges fostering disillusionment are often calls to reconnect with spirit. Reflect on how you can nurture compassion for yourself and others. Small acts of generosity and creativity nurture hope and joy. When the Star is reversed, reaffirm your faith in inner guidance unfolding your path, even if the way forward seems unclear now. Healing arises when we brave vulnerability and release limiting beliefs. You possess profound inner wisdom to light your way.

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