6 - The Lovers

6 – The Lovers

The Lovers, numbered VI in the Major Arcana, represents choices, relationships, and the dualities inherent in human existence. The card signifies trials that test values and connection to the divine.

Card Imagery

The Lovers card classically depicts Adam and Eve, representing partnerships and the choice between virtue and vice. An angel hovers above, blessing their union but reminding them of their spiritual covenant. A snake curls around the Tree of Knowledge, tempting forbidden fruit. The lovers stand naked before each other and their Creator, signifying honesty, vulnerability, and innocence.

Upright Meanings

  • Meaningful connections and choices
  • Lasting unions, partnerships
  • Trials testing values and morals
  • Sexuality, passion, desire
  • Disconnection, disharmony (reversed)

Upright, The Lovers represents maintaining spiritual alignment and connection to the divine through the choices we make – especially regarding relationships – when faced with life’s temptations and tests.

Reversed Meanings

  • Disharmony, misalignment
  • Bad choices, moral confusion
  • Unwise unions or shallow bonds
  • Lost values, lack of meaning
  • Disconnection from self/spirit
  • Avoiding accountability

Reversed, The Lovers warn against poor choices that disconnect us from our authentic selves, wisdom, and integrity. We become misaligned with spiritual truth.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

When The Lovers appear upright, it often signals facing difficult choices that will test your commitment to core values. Take time for deep reflection before deciding. Lean on your spiritual wisdom and trusted loved ones for counsel. Your choices now carry great weight – meet them with courage, discernment and heart.

However, reversed, you may be compromising integrity by making convenient but unwise decisions. Reconnect to your inner moral compass before choosing or taking action. Face any denial or shadows. The reversed Lovers represent a crossroads.

Spiritual Guidance

Upright Lovers encourage letting meaningful relationships and sexuality inspire you spiritually – through intimacy we better know the Creator and ourselves. However, avoid shallow bonds out of loneliness. Seek soul connections.

Reversed reflects disconnect from your true spiritual path and divine purpose due to convenient but empty choices. Refocus on relationships and pursuits that align with and uplift your highest self. Do the inner work.

Career and Finances

In career and money matters, choose rewarding work aligned with personal values, not just status or pay. Collaborate with those committed to excellence and integrity. Invest in socially responsible ways. However, avoid risky speculation. Play the long game.

Reversed reveals potential for morally compromising choices under pressure. Remember who you are and what truly matters as you navigate complex situations.


The Lovers bless relationships founded on shared values, intimacy and reciprocity. However, beware staying with partners out of complacency, attachment or for the wrong reasons. Not all unions are destined to last. Discern wisely.

Reversed signals relationships likely disconnecting you from your essence. Reflect on whether bonds have meaning and depth. If not, find the courage to let go.


Reflect on these questions inspired by The Lovers:

  • What choices am I facing that will shape my path significantly?
  • Do my current relationships uphold my highest self?
  • Whose counsel can help guide me in making wise decisions?
  • Am I compromising integrity or spiritual connection in any area of life?
  • What passions inspire me to feel aligned with my divine purpose?

The Lovers arrive to help you make discerning choices and foster unions based on shared values and authenticity.

Expanded Reversed Meaning

The reversed Lovers often represent a critical juncture where previous poor discernment has taken you off your proper life path, resulting in spiritual disconnection and misalignment. Relationships may have become draining or morally compromising rather than uplifting. Work and finances may feel driven only by base motives, draining meaning. You must now make difficult but necessary changes to regain purpose.

Fundamentally, the reversed Lovers reflect blindness toward the deeper spiritual repercussions of your choices. Temptations of the ego have led to betrayal of higher values. Going forward, see choices clearly for what they are – tests of alignment with your divine essence and wisdom. The stakes are your very soul. To return the Lovers to uprght integration, courageously release whatever has distorted your vision – dead-end relationships, unfulfilling work, empty pursuits – and realign with your core. Thereby, you reaffirm sacred covenants and devote yourself to expression of divine love.

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