8 - Strength

8 – Strength

Strength, numbered VIII in the Major Arcana, represents the spiritual power of self-control, courage, and resilience to overcome animal drives and adversity through grace and inner fortitude.

Card Imagery

The Strength card classically depicts a woman gently opening the mouth of a lion. The woman symbolizes the higher self mastering animal impulses. She wears flowers, reflecting beauty and growth. The lion represents courage and determination, in balance with compassion. Mountains in the distance signify achieving inner stability.

Upright Meanings

  • Inner strength, courage, resilience
  • Mastering desires and impulses
  • Compassion, patience, grace under pressure
  • Discipline, focus, perseverance
  • Self-doubt, weakness, imbalance (reversed)

Upright, Strength encourages drawing on inner spiritual power to handle adversity and transcend destructive impulses with understanding and grace.

Reversed Meanings

  • Weakness of will, self-doubt, imbalance
  • Lack of discipline and moderation
  • Loss of restraint over desires
  • Aggression, poor self-control
  • Giving up in the face of challenge
  • Acting harshly due to fear

Reversed, Strength represents depletion of inner fortitude and power to rise above difficulties or manage destructive drives positively. It indicates collapse under pressure.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

When Strength appears upright, it signals a period to cultivate greater patience, resilience and perseverance as you navigate challenges. Meet tests from a centered place, harnessing courage and self-control. Compassionately set boundaries around harmful behaviors or situations. Remain steadfast in living your principles; let virtue empower you.

However, reversed Strength cautions your fortitude and self-discipline are depleted. You may be acting rashly out of anger, impatience or unhealthy desires. Rebuild energy through rest and spiritual practices. Then create plans to manage stressors skillfully. Your inner well of strength remains full.

Spiritual Guidance

Upright Strength spiritually calls to master your ‘lower’ reactions and ego. Respond to triggers and fears with grace. Refocus destructive thoughts into productive action fueled by inner calm. Allow spiritual truth to dissolve conflict and self-judgment. Meet animal impulses with understanding.

Reversed signifies unconsciously acting from ego, giving in to reactivity and desires, depleting energy. Meditate on the divine within. Affirm your true spiritual nature and align all actions with higher principles through mindfulness. Thereby you refill your energetic reserves.

Career and Finances

For career, upright Strength reflects sustained focus and poise under workplace pressures. Persevere in achieving long-term goals. Financially, practice diligent stewardship of resources rather than reactively overspending when stressed. Make budgeting a spiritual practice.

However, reversed Strength cautions burnout or lack of organizational skills are depleting your resources and stamina at work. Rebuild by delegating responsibilities and taking time to recharge. Seek support if needed.


Upright, Strength allows maintaining harmony through challenging relationship transitions. Compassionately establish boundaries against disrespect or toxicity. Remain centered rather than reactive. Withstand turbulence to reach understanding.

Reversed reflects losing temper, giving in to irrational demands, or enabling harmful behaviors, exhausting relationships. Restore patience and assertiveness. Distance if needed.


Reflect on these questions inspired by Strength:

  • How can I deepen spiritual self-control and resilience? What practices sustain me?
  • Do I need to set stronger boundaries somewhere?
  • Am I carrying too much pressure alone? Who can support me?
  • What destructive reactions or impulses arise in me under stress? How can I meet them with grace?
  • What gives me courage and strength when I feel depleted?

Strength arrives to help you draw on your inner spiritual power to calmly overcome any challenge.

Expanded Reversed Meaning

When Strength appears reversed, it cautions that your inner fortitude and self-discipline have become depleted, leaving you feeling weary and overwhelmed when faced with adversity. You may be acting more reactively, aggressively, or giving in to destructive impulses instead of responding with compassion and moderation. Without inner stability, situations trigger and imbalance you.

Fundamentally, reversed Strength reflects lost connection to your divine inner power that transcends mortal fears and desires. You must reflect on what causes you to collapse under pressure and lash out when threatened. Replenish your spiritual strength through practices that cultivate peace, patience, courage, resilience and deep inner knowing of your true spiritual essence. Therein lies limitless fortitude. By aligning all actions with higher principles, you will reverse Strength, approaching challenges centered and gracious.

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