11 - Justice

11 – Justice

Justice, numbered XI in the Major Arcana, represents the cosmic forces of truth, fairness, law, and moral action. The card calls for integrity and taking responsibility to uphold divine justice.

Card Imagery

The Justice card depicts a woman holding a sword and scales, representing the fair and balanced cutting of truth. She is seated between pillars, indicating her role mediating higher and lower realms. Her sword points upwards, symbolizing alignment with spiritual truth. Her eyes are often covered, stressing impartiality.

Upright Meanings

  • Truth, integrity, honesty
  • Responsibility, accountability
  • Fairness, equality, balance
  • Clear judgment, boundaries
  • Dishonesty, corruption (reversed)

Upright, Justice encourages acting from highest principles of truth and ethics. Karma balances all deeds.

Reversed Meanings

  • Dishonesty, deception, corruption
  • Confused ethics, bad judgment
  • Unfairness, inequality, imbalance
  • Shirking responsibility and blame
  • Underserved punishments

Reversed, Justice represents a distortion of cosmic law through lies, irresponsibility, blaming, and unfairness. Truth and ethics are abandoned.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

When Justice appears upright, your path calls for impeccable integrity in thought, word and action. Speak truth with compassion. Hold yourself and others accountable. Make amends for past harms. Stand for justice. Fairly judge situations. Honor differences.

However, reversed Justice cautions confusing selfishness with righteousness. Rationalizations and projections obscure truth. Take full responsibility. Make different choices. Seek those who reflect your unrealized goodness.

Spiritual Guidance

Upright Justice reflects that spiritual liberation demands radical accountability to truth and upholding divine law. Your happiness is founded on equity and care for all. Align with soul purpose through virtuous action.

Reversed reveals dormant inner justice. Unconscious guilt and shame distort perceptions. Integrate and take ownership of your shadow. Express soul gifts ethically. Cooperate with spiritual laws.

Career and Finances

Professionally, upright Justice signifies work must align with truth and service, not greed. Colleagues must be treated equitably. Financially, budget wisely but avoid stinginess. Share wealth, reduce excess, and give to uplift those in need.

However, reversed in career and money, dishonesty and selfish motives will backfire. Reflect carefully on where to shift priorities to be of service.


In intimate relationships, Justice upright reflects fostering open communication, reciprocal care, and mutual understanding. However, avoid controlling “fairness.” Allow love’s mystery. Forge commitments in truth.

Reversed can mean clinging to resentments and score-keeping rather than forgiving, communicating, and taking responsibility for relational harmony. Speak from the heart.


Reflect on these questions inspired by Justice:

  • Where am I refusing to see my own shadows and projections? What truths must I still face?
  • How can I most purely align my actions with my spiritual purpose?
  • Who can I approach to illuminate my blind spots? How can I make amends where needed?
  • What does justice look like for my communities? How can I be of deeper service?
  • Am I balanced between self-care and care for others?

Justice arrives when you are ready to stand strong in your truth and uphold divine law. Declare what is righteous.

Expanded Reversed Meaning

The reversed Justice card often represents ignoring or disguising truths that make us uncomfortable or disrupt selfish aims. Rather than taking full accountability, it is easier to project blame, make excuses, or exploit moral gray areas. However, these distractions from soul purpose only breed inner turmoil. Reversed Justice is a call from the universe to radically recommit to integrity in all endeavors.

Making excuses keeps us shackled to destructive patterns. But the scales of Justice uphold no falsehoods or iniquities. To return Justice to upright alignment, engage in an unsparing inventory of your life’s current misalignments with spiritual truth. Then bravely make amends, speak honesty with compassion, and wholly dedicate your gifts to serving the light. Therein, Justice brings profound liberation and peace.

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