15 - The Devil

15 – The Devil

The Devil is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 15, considered a symbol of temptation, addiction, and bondage. The Devil exemplifies shadow impulses, earthly desires, and giving in to vice. It encourages us to face our fears and reclaim our personal power.


The Devil depicts a Satanic goat creature with wings and horns. He holds a man and woman chained with collars around their necks, representing enslavement. The man and woman feature tails but human torsos, symbolizing animalistic instinct and impulses. The nakedness indicates vulnerability while the partly eaten fruit references temptation. Altogether, the dark tone indicates being trapped by base needs and negativity.

Upright Meanings

  • Shadow self and repressed desires
  • Addiction, dependency, obsession
  • Restriction, powerlessness, lack of control
  • Hedonism, temptation, deceit
  • Ignoring inner voice and values

In the upright position, the Devil represents our shadow self and repressed desires. This card calls on us to face our darker impulses and free ourselves from negative patterns. The Devil encourages us to regain control rather than remain complacent and powerless to toxic behaviors or situations.

Reversed Meanings

  • Releasing restrictions and dependencies
  • Regaining personal power and control
  • Listening to inner voice for guidance
  • Overcoming temptations and addictions
  • Breaking negative thought patterns

When the Devil appears reversed, it serves as a warning against remaining enchained by our shadow side. While the Devil upright indicates bondage, the reversal cautions against clinging to what harms us. The reversed Devil asks us to release what holds us back to reclaim freedom and personal power.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Devil in an upright position relates to feeling trapped in situations that go against our values. This card calls on us to reconnect with our true priorities and realign our actions accordingly. Even if we feel powerless, we must access inner wisdom to take back control rather than remain complacent. This may require dramatic change to get back on our destined path.

Spiritual Guidance

On a spiritual level, the upright Devil asks us to look inward at the darker parts of ourselves. We must acknowledge repressed desires, destructive behavioral patterns, and temptations that lead us astray from our higher purpose. Instead of ignoring these shadow aspects, we must open to them with compassion to integrate them in a healthy manner.

Career Meaning

In career readings, the Devil upright indicates career stagnation, dissatisfaction, or feeling enslaved in an unhealthy work environment. This card calls on you to evaluate your professional life honestly. Are you selling yourself short or compromising values for security? Consider ways to reclaim your power and get back on a meaningful track.


Within relationships, the upright Devil is a sign to release any toxic dependencies keeping you stuck in an unhealthy relationship. Staying out of complacency and fear. Reconnect with your self-worth and needs. Set firm boundaries and be prepared to walk away if essential changes aren’t made.


When the Devil appears, ask yourself:

  • What behaviors or thought patterns feel out of my control?
  • What parts of my shadow self require compassion and healing?
  • What changes must I make to align actions with my values?
  • What situations make me compromise my needs and integrity?
  • How can I take back my personal power?

Reversed Meanings

  • Releasing restrictions and breaking free
  • Listening to inner wisdom for guidance
  • Overcoming negative thought patterns
  • Ending codependent relationships
  • Stepping fully into your power

When the Devil appears in reverse, it indicates you are in the process of releasing yourself from past restrictions, addictions, or bad habits. You are focused on listening inwardly for guidance rather than outwardly at others’ expectations. Have compassion for yourself during this transitionary period. Trust in your inner voice to lead you to freedom and empowerment.

The reversed Devil encourages you to examine where you have handed your power over to shadow aspects, negative thought loops, or toxic relationships. Then, cultivate the strength and insight to lovingly break free from these chains. Know that you have the inner resources to overcome anything that holds you back from realizing your full potential. Affirm your ability to create positive change.

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