0 - The Fool

0 – The Fool

The Fool is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 0, considered both the start and continuation of the Major Arcana’s journey. The Fool exemplifies beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and the power of creativity. It encourages us to let go of fears and take risks as we embark on new adventures.

Card Imagery

The Fool depicts a young man stepping toward a cliff, focused upward and unaware of the danger ahead. His loyal dog tries to warn him by biting his heels. This reflects blindly moving into uncharted territory. The Fool carries his few possessions in a sack over his shoulder, prepared for whatever lies ahead. The vibrant sun overhead symbolizes the boundless optimistic spirit of the card.

Upright Meanings

  • Beginning a new journey
  • Optimism, openness, faith
  • Spontaneity, following intuition
  • Embracing uncertainty
  • Taking risks free from fear
  • Reckless actions without thought

Reversed Meanings

  • Recklessness, lack of preparation
  • Ignoring warnings and consequences
  • Thoughtless decisions
  • Fear of making necessary changes
  • Clinging to familiarity

Detailed Meanings

Life Path

Upright, The Fool boldly initiates new journeys filled with possibility. When it appears, you are being called to begin a new chapter. It could indicate starting a new endeavor, moving somewhere new, beginning a relationship, or any opportunity requiring a leap of faith. Approach this new path with an open mind, unhindered by fear, doubts or past experiences holding you back. The Fool brings the courage and optimism needed to fully embrace uncertainty and potential.

This is a time to trust your instincts, have faith in the universe, and walk forward with the wonder of a child into the unknown. Know that on the other side of the discomfort of beginning anew lies immense growth and adventure. Let The Fool’s fearless spirit be your guide.

Spiritual Guidance

The Fool upright encourages you to reopen your perspective and see life with new eyes again. Recapture the innocence and awe you once held toward the mysteries of the universe. Trust that you are being divinely guided, even when the way ahead is unclear.

Take spiritually uplifting risks, live authentically, follow your intuition over logic, focus on enjoying the journey rather than the destination. Know that growth lies just beyond your comfort zone. Let go of expectations about how your path will unfold. Have faith in where this leap of faith takes you.

Career and Finances

In career and money matters, The Fool signals a propitious time to courageously make exciting changes guided by inspiration. You may feel drawn to pursue work and investments aligned with your passions, or take your career in a new direction entirely.

While practical planning is still essential, The Fool gives you the optimism to take risks and bet on your dreams during this period. Avoid only making moves out of desperation or fear; instead, let passion and vision lead you to fertile new opportunities. Not every endeavor will necessarily be profitable, but they will all teach you and expand your horizons.


The Fool heralds a period of new romance and connections. Embrace these with an open heart, but avoid rushing into commitments. Allow relationships time and space to reveal their true nature and potential. Let go of expectations of what a partnership “should” look like. Instead learn to enjoy the excitement and mystery of connecting with someone new.

The Fool reminds you that by embracing uncertainty, you allow greater magic into your bonds with others. This card also signals a powerful time to release relationships that are dulling your vitality and holding you back. Trust your intuition.


When The Fool appears, meditate deeply on the following questions:

  • What new beginning is calling to me now? What opportunities excite me?
  • What fears or doubts are keeping me from taking a leap of faith? How can I let go of them?
  • How can I see my career, relationships, and life path with new eyes?
  • What would feel liberating and expansive to pursue at this time?
  • How can I recapture a childlike wonder and optimism toward life’s mysteries?
  • Am I grounding myself enough in practicality when needed?
  • What actions can I take that reflect The Fool’s courageous spirit?

The Fool comes as a sign that the winds of change are picking up. Set your sights on the horizon, take a deep breath, and step forth into the unknown. Great transformation awaits.

Reversed Meanings

  • Recklessness, lack of preparation
  • Ignoring warnings and negative consequences
  • Thoughtless decisions, foolish choices
  • Fear of making necessary changes
  • Clinging to what’s safe and familiar

When The Fool appears in reverse, it cautions against hasty choices and actions made without proper deliberation. While The Fool upright encourages boldness, its shadow side is recklessness without concern for consequences. The reversed Fool signals that you may be acting rashly or taking foolish risks in your enthusiasm for change. In your eagerness to make a dramatic leap, you may be overlooking red flags or ignoring the practical steps needed to ensure success.

The reversed Fool reminds you to temper your audacity with grounded plans and diligent preparations. Seek wise counsel to illuminate blind spots. Make sure your passions are tempered with reason. While fearlessness is needed on your journey, foolishness will only set you back. The reversed Fool also suggests introspecting on whether you are allowing fear to paralyze you from taking necessary chances life requires for growth. Examine ways you may be clinging to old comfortable situations to avoid appropriate risks and change.

In all endeavors, embrace The Fool’s adventurous spirit but check that it is guiding you prudently. Have courage paired with caution. With balance, The Fool remains your perfect companion to help embark confidently on your unique path.

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