Ten Of Pentacles

Ten Of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck, belonging to the Minor Arcana. It is considered the ultimate card of prosperity and wealth. The Ten of Pentacles exemplifies abundance, permanence, and legacy. It encourages us to seek stability, appreciate the riches of the present, and plan for long-term success.


The Ten of Pentacles depicts an old, wise man sitting within an archway, observing a younger generation playing and enjoying themselves. The archway is adorned with pentacles in the pattern of the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life, signifying divine connection and cosmic order. The warmly dressed family and the loyal dogs represent comfort, security, and companionship. The castle in the background implies a strong foundation and long-lasting achievements. The overall tone of the card is one of warmth, security, and abundance.

Upright Meanings

  • Material success and financial security
  • Legacy and inheritance
  • Stability and permanence
  • Family wealth and prosperity
  • Long-term planning and investment

In the upright position, the Ten of Pentacles represents the attainment of material success and comfort, the culmination of hard work and prudent planning. This card calls on us to appreciate the richness of our lives, not only in terms of wealth but also our familial bonds and lasting relationships. The Ten of Pentacles encourages us to plan for the future, ensuring that our wealth and prosperity will endure and be passed down to future generations.

Reversed Meanings

  • Financial instability or loss
  • Isolation or disconnection from family
  • Lack of long-term planning or foresight
  • Squandering inheritance or legacy
  • Fleeting success or temporary wealth

When the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it serves as a warning against financial instability and the potential loss of wealth. While the Ten of Pentacles upright indicates stability and lasting prosperity, the reversal cautions against short-sightedness and the possible squandering of one’s legacy. The reversed Ten of Pentacles asks us to reevaluate our financial habits and to consider the long-term impact of our decisions.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Ten of Pentacles signifies a point on your life journey where you’ve achieved material comfort and financial security. You’ve built a strong foundation for yourself and your loved ones, and you’re enjoying the fruits of your labor. However, this card also reminds you that true wealth goes beyond money and possessions – it includes the relationships you’ve nurtured and the legacy you’ll leave behind.

Beyond material wealth, the Ten of Pentacles also suggests spiritual wealth, or the culmination of your inner journey. Having gone through life’s trials and tribulations, you’ve gained wisdom and understanding. You’re now in a position to share this wealth of knowledge with others, much like the old man in the card’s imagery.

Spiritual Guidance

In a spiritual context, the Ten of Pentacles encourages you to find richness and abundance in your spiritual life. It’s a reminder that true prosperity comes from a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment, not just material wealth. The card might be prompting you to invest time and energy in your spiritual growth, perhaps through meditation, prayer, or studying spiritual texts.

Moreover, the Ten of Pentacles in a spiritual reading could suggest that you are reaching a stage of completion on your spiritual journey. You’re gaining a deeper understanding of your place in the universe and achieving a sense of harmony and contentment.

Career Meaning

When it comes to your career, the Ten of Pentacles is a very positive sign. It suggests that you’re either currently enjoying a high level of job security and financial stability, or you’re on the path to achieve it. The card might also imply that what you’re doing now has the potential to become a long-term career or even a lifelong passion.

However, the Ten of Pentacles also warns against complacency. It encourages you to continue investing in your career development to ensure continued success and satisfaction.


In a relationship context, the Ten of Pentacles indicates a stable, secure, and committed relationship. It’s a card of lasting love, where the relationship has a strong foundation and is likely to stand the test of time. If you’re single, the card suggests that a potential partnership could lead to lasting happiness.

But remember, relationships, like gardens, need regular care and tending. The Ten of Pentacles urges you to invest time and energy into nurturing your relationships to ensure their longevity.


Consider how the Ten of Pentacles might be reflecting your current life situation. Are you investing enough in your long-term future? Are you appreciating the wealth and abundance that you currently have?

Reflect on the following questions:

  • What does true wealth mean to you?
  • How are you investing in your future?
  • Is there a balance between your material wealth and spiritual wealth?
  • Are you taking the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor?
  • How can you ensure that your wealth — beit material, spiritual or relational — is sustainable and enduring?

Reversed Meanings

  • Disruption of financial security
  • Loss of assets or wealth
  • Conflict over inheritance
  • Neglect of family and loved ones
  • Misuse of resources or opportunities

When the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed in a reading, it warns of potential financial instability or loss. It could indicate a period of monetary hardship or unexpected expenses. In some cases, it might also suggest conflicts or disagreements over an inheritance or family wealth.

The reversed Ten of Pentacles might also hint at a feeling of isolation or disconnection from your family or loved ones. You may be so focused on financial success that you’ve neglected your personal relationships, or you may feel that your wealth and success have created a distance between you and others.

The reversed Ten of Pentacles serves as a reminder that material wealth is not the sole measure of success. It’s equally important, if not more so, to invest in your relationships and personal growth. Strive for a balanced life, where material success is complemented by emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

In terms of advice, the reversed Ten of Pentacles encourages you to carefully evaluate your financial decisions and to think long-term. Are your current actions and habits sustainable? Are you building a legacy that can endure? It may be time to reassess your priorities and focus more on the things that truly matter.

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