Six Of Cups

Six Of Cups

The Six of Cups is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number six in the suit of Cups, considered a symbol of nostalgia, innocence, and childhood memories. The Six of Cups exemplifies the themes of connection, reminiscence, and joy. It encourages us to remember our roots and to find happiness in the simplicity of life.


The Six of Cups depicts two children in a garden, one of them is handing a cup filled with white flowers to the other. Six cups filled with flowers are in the scene, symbolizing the past. The old manor in the background represents nostalgia and a return to the familiar. The bright and sunny day suggests a positive tone and a sense of joy.

Upright Meanings

  • Nostalgia
  • Innocence
  • Joy
  • Reunion
  • Simplicity

In the upright position, the Six of Cups represents a journey into the past, either literally reconnecting with someone from your past or simply feeling a strong wave of nostalgia. This card calls on us to remember the simple joys of life, to reconnect with our inner child. The Six of Cups encourages us to cherish our memories and learn from our past.

Reversed Meanings

  • Living in the past
  • Outgrown behaviors
  • Naïveté
  • Disconnection
  • Inability to move on

When the Six of Cups appears reversed, it serves as a warning against being stuck in the past and not being able to move forward. While the Six of Cups upright indicates a healthy connection with the past, its reversal cautions against letting nostalgia cloud our judgement or prevent us from embracing the present or future. The reversed Six of Cups asks us to learn from the past but not let it control our present or future.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Six of Cups represents a stage in our life journey where we revisit our past, either through memories or through reunions. This nostalgia isn’t meant to make us dwell in the past, but rather to help us appreciate our present and prepare for our future. It reminds us of the simplicity and innocence of childhood, encouraging us to incorporate those qualities into our current life.

In a broader sense, the Six of Cups also signifies that our past experiences, both good and bad, have shaped us into who we are today. It tells us that understanding and accepting our past is key to moving forward and growing as individuals.

Spiritual Guidance

The Six of Cups, in a spiritual context, encourages us to reconnect with our inner child. This can mean rediscovering our sense of wonder, our intrinsic joy, and our unfiltered view of the world. It invites us to experience the world with the same simplicity and curiosity as we did when we were children.

Moreover, the Six of Cups brings a message of healing. It is a time of spiritual rejuvenation, where the past and the present merge to create a deeper understanding of our life’s purpose. It encourages us to learn from our past but not to be bound by it.

Career Meaning

In terms of career, the Six of Cups may suggest a return to a job or field that you once loved or felt passionate about. It encourages you to reconnect with what truly makes you happy and find joy in your work.

Alternatively, it could also suggest that you might benefit from incorporating past lessons into your current job. It reminds you that every experience, no matter how trivial it seemed at the time, has something to teach us.


In relationships, the Six of Cups can indicate a reunion with an old friend or lover. It brings a sense of nostalgia and comfort from past relationships into the present. It can also signify a relationship that is based on deep emotional understanding and shared history.

On the other hand, the Six of Cups can also suggest that you might be viewing your relationship through rose-colored glasses. It advises you to be aware of this possibility and ensure that you’re seeing your relationship as it truly is, not just as you wish it to be.


The Six of Cups is a card of reflection and introspection. It encourages us to look within ourselves and analyze our past experiences. Here are some questions to help with this introspection:

  • What past experiences come to mind when you see this card?
  • How have these experiences shaped your present?
  • Are there aspects of your past that you’re clinging onto? Why?
  • Are there past lessons that you could apply to your present situation?
  • How can you reconnect with your inner child?

Reversed Meanings

  • Stuck in the past
  • Unable to learn from past mistakes
  • Unresolved issues
  • Negative patterns
  • Inability to grow

The Six of Cups reversed signifies a stubborn refusal to let go of the past. This could manifest as an inability to move on from past mistakes or a tendency to dwell on outdated patterns of thinking and behaving. It suggests that you might be letting your past dictate your present and futureactions, consciously or unconsciously.

The reversed Six of Cups serves as a wake-up call to stop living in the past and start focusing on the present and future. While it’s important to learn from our past, it’s equally important not to let it hold us back. This card reversed asks us to confront and resolve any unresolved issues from the past that are hindering our progress.

In the context of relationships, the Six of Cups reversed may indicate a tendency to idealize past relationships, ignoring their flaws and the reasons why they ended. This card advises against comparing current relationships to past ones, as it can lead to unrealistic expectations and dissatisfaction.

In a career context, the Six of Cups reversed might suggest that you’re stuck in a job that no longer fulfills you simply because it’s familiar. It may be time to consider whether you’ve outgrown your current position and need to seek new opportunities. This card encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace change and growth.

Overall, the reversed Six of Cups invites us to let go of the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future with optimism and openness. It reminds us that while we can’t change our past, we can learn from it and use it as a stepping stone towards a brighter future.

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