Five Of Pentacles

Five Of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number 5 in the suit of Pentacles, considered a poignant depiction of hardship and struggle. The Five of Pentacles exemplifies loss, hardship, and isolation. It encourages us to seek help and remember that no situation is permanent.


The Five of Pentacles depicts two individuals in rags, trudging through the snow beneath a brightly lit church window adorned with five golden pentacles. The individuals represent the feeling of being left out in the cold, while the glowing window symbolizes hope and spiritual comfort within reach. The scene evokes a sense of desolation and despair, yet also potential for change.

Upright Meanings

  • Financial hardship
  • Lack of security
  • Isolation
  • Illness
  • Anxiety

In the upright position, the Five of Pentacles represents material and emotional hardship. This card calls on us to seek help and not isolate ourselves in times of struggle. The Five of Pentacles encourages us to remember that hardship is a part of life, not a life sentence.

Reversed Meanings

  • Recovery from loss
  • Finding spiritual wealth
  • Improved health
  • Overcoming fear
  • Regaining self-confidence

When the Five of Pentacles appears reversed, it serves as a warning against isolating oneself during hardships. While the Five of Pentacles upright indicates loss and hardship, the reversal cautions against succumbing to despair or not asking for help when needed. The reversed Five of Pentacles asks us to find inner strength and recognize the transient nature of our difficulties.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Five of Pentacles often appears when we’re feeling left out or going through a period of hardship. This could be a financial struggle, a difficult phase in a relationship, or a time of poor health. The card reminds us that life is a journey, filled with ups and downs. It’s essential to remember that hard times are temporary and there’s always a way out of difficulties.

The card also signifies a journey of spiritual growth. Often, the toughest times in our lives lead to the most profound personal growth and self-discovery. The Five of Pentacles encourages us to find the lessons in our struggles and use them to build a stronger foundation for our future.

Spiritual Guidance

The Five of Pentacles can signify a feeling of spiritual alienation or disconnect. It serves as a reminder that spiritual wealth often comes from our deepest trials. Our struggles are not punishments, but opportunities for growth and self-understanding.

From a spiritual perspective, this card asks us to seek solace in our spiritual beliefs. The brightly lit church window in the card’s imagery suggests that comfort and guidance are always available to us, especially in our darkest hours. It’s a call to reconnect with our spiritual side and find the light within our trials.

Career Meaning

In a career context, the Five of Pentacles may indicate a time of job loss, financial strain, or feeling undervalued at work. It’s a reminder that periods of struggle often lead to new opportunities and that it’s crucial to keep faith during challenging times.

On a positive note, this card can also signify the motivation to improve our situation. It might be a nudge to upskill, seek new opportunities, or reassess our career path. The Five of Pentacles encourages us to find the courage to make the necessary changes in our work life.


In relationships, the Five of Pentacles often points to a time of struggle or disconnect. This could be a period of conflict, feeling neglected, or experiencing financial issues. The card reminds us that it’s important to communicate and seek help during such times rather than isolating ourselves.

The card can also signify the need for personal space or a period of loneliness before finding the right partner. In terms of personal growth, it’s a reminder that self-love and self-care are vital during these times.


The Five of Pentacles is a call for introspection during hardships.

  • What lessons can you learn from your current struggles?
  • How can you seek help or support?
  • How can you use this experience for personal or spiritual growth?
  • Are you isolating yourself or alienating others during your hardship?
  • How can you reconnect with your spiritual side?

Reversed Meanings

  • Recovery from financial loss
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Improved health or recovery
  • Overcoming fear and anxiety
  • Building self-esteem

When reversed, the Five of Pentacles suggests a period of recovery. It indicates that the hardship is easing, and things are looking up. This could be a financial recovery, improvement in health, or finding the strength to face your fears.

The reversed Five of Pentacles also signifies a shift in perspective. It suggests a realization that material wealth is not the only measure of prosperity. It’s a call to appreciate the non-material aspects of life, such as spiritual wealth, relationships,and personal growth. This new perspective may come as a result of the trials experienced during the upright phase of the card.

The reversed card also warns against neglecting to acknowledge and celebrate your progress. It’s a reminder to appreciate your resilience and the strength you’ve discovered within yourself through overcoming adversity. It encourages you to keep faith in yourself and your journey, recognizing that each hardship endured is a stepping stone towards personal growth and wisdom.

It’s important to remember that the Five of Pentacles, whether upright or reversed, is a card of hope. It serves as a reminder that every situation, no matter how difficult, is temporary and carries the potential for growth and transformation. Through trials and tribulations, we learn to appreciate the true value of our lives, finding resilience and strength within ourselves that we never knew we had.

The Five of Pentacles asks us to believe in ourselves and keep moving forward, no matter how challenging the journey may seem. It promises that with faith, perseverance, and a little help from those around us, we can overcome any hardship and emerge stronger, wiser, and richer in spirit than before.

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