Five Of Cups

Five Of Cups

The Five of Cups is one of the 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck. It is card number five in the Suit of Cups, typically associated with feelings of loss, regret, and disappointment. The Five of Cups exemplifies these sentiments and urges us to acknowledge our loss, learn from it, and move forward.


The Five of Cups depicts a cloaked figure standing before three spilled cups, symbolizing loss. Two cups remain upright behind him, representing remaining opportunities, but he doesn’t seem to notice them, too focused on the spilled cups. The river flowing behind signifies the flow of life, and the bridge leading to the castle in the distance represents a path to new beginnings.

Upright Meanings

  • Loss and disappointment
  • Regret and dwelling on the past
  • Need for acceptance and moving on
  • Missed opportunities due to a narrow focus
  • Learning from past mistakes

In the upright position, the Five of Cups represents a period of loss, disappointment, and regret. It symbolizes a time when we may be too focused on what we’ve lost, missing the opportunities that still exist. The Five of Cups encourages us to accept our loss, learn from our past mistakes, and shift our focus towards the future.

Reversed Meanings

  • Moving on from loss
  • Acceptance and forgiveness
  • Positive outlook and new beginnings
  • Learning from past mistakes and applying the lessons
  • Healing and personal growth

When reversed, the Five of Cups signals a time of healing and moving on. It represents acceptance of loss and forgiveness, both for others and for ourselves. The reversed Five of Cups encourages us to apply the lessons learned from past disappointments and to approach future opportunities with a positive outlook.

Detailed Meanings

Life Journey

The Five of Cups in our life journey symbolizes those times of loss and disappointment that we all face. It reminds us that it’s natural to grieve, but we must also recognize the opportunities that remain and move forward.

This card encourages us to learn from our past, apply those lessons to our present, and use them as a stepping stone towards a more positive future. It’s a call to shift our focus from what we’ve lost to what still lies ahead.

Spiritual Guidance

In terms of spiritual guidance, the Five of Cups advises us to accept loss as a part of our spiritual journey. It reminds us that every loss carries a lesson and an opportunity for growth.

This card urges us to seek spiritual healing and forgiveness. It assures us that even in times of loss, our spirit can find strength, grow, and prepare to embrace new beginnings.

Career Meaning

In a career context, the Five of Cups could indicate a time of disappointment or loss. Perhaps a job or promotion you were hoping for didn’t work out, or an important project failed.

This card encourages you to accept the situation, learn from the experience, and move on. It also reminds you to look around for other opportunities and possibilities within your career.


In relationships, the Five of Cups may signify a time of loss or disappointment. It could be a breakup, an argument, or a period of disconnect.

This card advises acceptance of the situation, learning from the experience, and moving forward. It reminds us that not all is lost in love, and there are always new opportunities for connection and deeper understanding.


Reflect on the Five of Cups by considering these questions:

  • What are the losses or disappointments that you are currently focused on?
  • What opportunities might you be missing because of your focus on past disappointments?
  • How can you learn and grow from your past experiences?
  • What steps can you take to move forward?

Reversed Meanings

  • Moving on from past disappointments
  • Acceptance and forgiveness
  • Applying lessons learned from the past
  • Positive outlook and new beginnings
  • Healing and personal growth

The Five of Cups reversed signifies a time of healing and acceptance. It represents moving on from past disappointments and focusing on new beginnings. This card suggests a period of personal growth, where you apply the lessons learned from past experiences to create a better future.

In a relationship context, the reversed Five of Cups signifies healing after a period of loss or disappointment. It suggests a time of forgiveness and a positive outlook towards future relationship experiences.

The Five of Cups reversed encourages us to embrace our healing journey, to forgive ourselves and others, and to move forward with a positive outlook. It is a reminder that every loss carries a lesson and an opportunity for growth.

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